Wednesday 28 December 2016

Out On The Playground

It started as a scarf from my pattern Lifelines. And is about to become a new design instead. A large scarf in bright colors. I totally fell in love with the combination of red and pink compaired with yellow green.

I call it Playground because I love to play with colors, and to wear colorful scarves and shawls. In all that grey and black it makes my day a little brighter. So, I hope to bring out some color lovers hidden in their closets and knit Playground just because it makes you happy.

I have a plan for the end of the scarf and I am excited to see if I can pull it off. Writing the pattern as I go. Hope I have it finished in january.


  1. This is very interesting and the colors are wonderful. I'm already curious about how it will look at the end.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year 2017

  2. Legeplads for farveglade strikkepinde! Jeg er spændt på at se hele forløbet. Det lyser✨i hvert fald op i en grå, mørk nordisk vinter🌫

  3. Simpelthen vidunderlig farvekombination - jeg bliver altid glad, når jeg ser dine farver poppe op i min reader :-) Rigtig godt nytår til dig og tak for dine skønne kommentarer i årets løb :-)

  4. Gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see how you finish it!!!


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